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Our strategy : innovate !

Created in 1919, with 100 years of experience behind us and operating on 2 production sites, GUERIN is now one of Europe’s leaders in metal filter elements.

Meeting customer's needs

Guérin France : Icône Built to Spec
Build to spec :

Our team studies your technical specifications to offer you a customized solution that fits the environemental constraints of the metallic filter.

Guérin France : Icône Built to Print
Build to print :

We industrialize our metallic filters from the technical drawing you provide.

Guérin France : Icône Reverse engineering
Reverse engineering :

Your systems require a filter replacement but you have no technical drawing? Our team study the part and details you can provide to redesign and offer an identical production.

Guérin France : Icône Design to cost
Design to cost :

Based on your technical need, our team offers the most adequate and cost efficient industrialization and production techniques to achieve the desired filtration performance.

From design to industrialization

01 Project Organisation
Monitoring of filter design projects
  • A single Project Manager, dedicated by market segment
  • Commercial
  • Project Quality
  • Project Purchase
  • Continuous Improvement
02 Innovative Solutions
Guerin filter design office: service specialized in the design and engineering of filters

A Complete Technical study including :

  • Choice of raw material and components
  • Choice of manufacturing steps
  • Choice of production plant
  • Tooling or special machinery
  • Design and industrialisation of our dedicated tooling
  • Design of our production or control robots
03 Industrialisation
étapes de l'industrialisation filtration industrielle
  • Prototypes
  • Initial Samples
  • Process validation
  • Product validation
  • Customer Approval

Our strengths

icône 80 Collaborateurs de Guérin France
A multilingual team
of professionals
Guérin France : Icône Site de 1000m2 dédié à l'engineering
1000m2 dedicated to
Guérin France : Icône logiciel 3D SOLIDWORKS
3D software:
Guérin France : Icône Possibilité de prototypage rapide
Fast prototyping

Are you in need of a custom-made metallic filter ?

Our team is available to design with you the metallic filtration solution that will suit your need.

Let's discuss your project !

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